How Do Timeshare Points Work?

By Noah Belachew

Why Do They Exist?

Timeshare points came to be because developers realized that travelers wanted more flexibility from their vacation ownership. 

Vacation Clubs

If you buy timeshare points, you are typically entered into that brand’s vacation club. For example, if you buy from Hilton, you would be a member of the Hilton Grand Vacations Club

Perks of Timeshare Points

Each resort brand offers different ways to get special perks by using your points. Some offer benefits like discounts, access to special trips, and exclusive events.

Timeshare Weeks vs Points

Weeks offer plenty of consistency. You can stay at the same resort at the same time each year. Meanwhile, points give you the flexibility to travel wherever you want.

How Many Points Do I Need?

The number of points you need for a trip depends on a few factors: the time of year, what resort you're visiting, and what developer it's affiliated with.

Points on the Resale Market

On the resale market, you can often find the resort and points package you want for less money. (Sometimes three times less money!)

Buy Timeshare Points on the Resale Market

Want to save money on timeshare points? Then visit our marketplace for listings at the link below!

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